by Paul Muniandy |
In December 1990, a miracle happened. It was a very unusual experience and a wonderful gift from Our Living God.
I have worked as a manager in several freight forwarding companies in Malaysia. Life was very glamorous, exciting and enjoyable especially mixing with people in high society and travelling abroad frequently for business cum pleasure. I was so fully occupied with worldly pleasures that I could never foresee a sudden tumble in my career. When this happened about 15 years ago, it led to many unforgettable sufferings, both financially and emotionally.
During this period, I became a victim of diabetes, a disease with a high level of sugar in the blood. This disease is well-known as a slow killer and a very high dosage of medicine is required to keep you alive. I suffered a great deal and my body began to shrink due to low intake of sugar.
A week before the celebration of Deepavali (a Hindu festival) in November 1990, a small boil grew on my left ankle which soon became a big sore. Any diabetic person will know that a wound on his body will not heal or takes a long time to heal.
I did not go to the hospital for treatment for fear that I would be detained for a long period which I could not afford as the sole bread winner in my family. At the same time, I was well aware that if the wound was not taken care of, my leg could be amputated or it would lead to other complications in the body. With much pain, I began to limp.
By this time, my wife had informed many friends and relatives of my condition. Some of our Christian friends would call me by telephone and enquire whether they could pray for me. But I would deliberately turn them down as I was a very staunch Hindu then. In my earlier years, I used to chase Christians away from our home when they came to visit us.
My wife was a nominal Christian with an Anglican background but after we got married, she embraced Hinduism. She was always afraid of me but on the quiet, she had asked many Christian friends to pray for me. Not only that, she also prayed herself without my knowledge.
During this time, distant family friends who have never come to our house before visited us. They came to know of my condition and sympathised with me. After the lady friend had spoken to my wife in the kitchen, she approached me timidly to ask whether she could pray for me. Since there were many people around me, I was not able to reject her kind gesture.
She came and squatted on the floor and carried up my leg and prayed. The other friends sitting around me also came closer and started to pray in a strange language. While this was going on, I was laughing to myself. After praying, they left.
Instead of being healed, the pain in my leg became unbearable and I could hardly put my foot on the ground. I consulted my wife whether I should go to the hospital the following day since the wound has become serious. Strangely, my wife consoled me and requested for one more prayer session the next day before making a decision.
The Christian family explained to me later about God's peculiar ways of healing people and saving them from this sinful world. Until then, I was unable to conceive the idea of healing except by Hindu ways. A week later, the wound on my leg became smaller and then disappeared altogether. Praise the Lord for his healing and salvation!
My leg became normal and without realising, I began to worship Him. Soon after, my faith in Jesus began to grow and my life was completely changed. I saw that l have more strength and confidence in myself which I never had before. There is also joy and happiness in my family.
Shortly after the incident, I went to the hospital for a routine check-up for the sugar level in my blood. When the test results were out, the doctors were surprised and in disbelief to see that the sugar level had dropped drastically from the previous level. Subsequently, they confirmed that I was healed completely of diabetes. That day, I came home a very happy man. On 31st December 1990, my whole family went to church together for the first time to attend an evening service. When the service started, my family rejoiced with the church congregation in songs and worship. At the end of the service, the church pastor led the congregation in prayer. I closed my eyes and a little later, I had a vision of a golden cross on a heart size pillow. It illuminated golden lights like many small sparkling stars falling down from the cross. This vision appeared to me for a length of time. I thanked the Lord for giving me this vision which I have later shared with my friends and family. The following month, my whole family accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and the thrills of being born again Christians are beyond explanation.
As the Lord said in the Gospel of John 3:3 "Truly, truly I say to you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God". We have experienced what Jesus has said we should experience. We now attend church services weekly and rejoice very much in our new found faith.
Through reading and studying of God's word, we discovered that the miraculous healing of my diabetes was only the beginning of more miracles to come. As young Christians, our faith in God grew with new experiences, new understanding and many, if not all, answered prayers.
As a freight forwarder, I had secured an important contract to handle exports to Europe via Port Klang (Malaysia). There were two containers to depart as scheduled via Singapore to Europe. The shipment has to leave by a feeder vessel from Port Klang to Singapore where it would connect to a mother vessel for Europe. The schedule was such that the loading and connecting must be done accordingly.
Unfortunately, the feeder in Port Klang missed the two containers due to space problems. According to the shipping agent in Port Klang, the shipment would not be able to connect to the mother vessel because the next feeder would be late in arriving at Singapore. Furthermore, Singapore's port regulations require that all shipments to be transferred from one vessel to another must reach the port not less than 48 hours of its transshipment.
I was very afraid because if I were to fail this contract, my client would charge me a substantial sum for breach of contract. Everyone at that point of time had virtually given up hope of connecting the shipment to the mother vessel. While looking hopelessly for alternatives, my wife and I prayed earnestly and asked our Lord Jesus to help us. With much perseverance in prayers, we saw a breakthrough on the third day. Our Almighty Lord answered our prayers. We were told that the mother vessel had delayed its arrival at Singapore port due to some unforeseen circumstances. The shipping agents were very surprised over the delay as it never or rarely happens on ocean going mother vessels. This news was of great joy to us. Without further delay, all arrangements were made and the shipment went off smoothly as originally planned.
The Port Klang shipping agent's manager who is also a Christian heard about my prayers and was convinced that God did a miracle. the manager who has been back-sliding in his spiritual life rededicated his life to God after that incident. Later, when the incident came to the ears of my client, they too acknowledged that this was an Act of God.
The Lord has continuously blessed our family and met our needs. He is truly our Protector, Provider, Mighty Healer and most of all the Great Living God, whom we now adore as our Father in heaven. Because of His provisions and goodness, we have been greatly encouraged to serve Him in various areas including as committee member of FGBMFI Subang Jaya Chapter (Malaysia). We love to serve Him as He tastes sweeter than Honey. Unless you have tasted him, you will never know how good He is.
Paul Muniandy is manager of a freight forwarding company in Malaysia. He is membership chairman of FGBMFI Malaysia's P.J./Subang Jaya chapter. Paul and his wife, Esther, have three children, Peter, Michael and Melissa. |
![]() Paul and Esther Muniandy with Peter, Michael and Melissa. |
Article taken from Asian Voice with permission from Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship.