To: en
From: Su Min
Subject: Begin At The Beginning
Hi sweetie,
-) Did I get that "smilie" right?
0Thanks for your call to my HF this morning: it was a co-incidence that it was on, for I was waiting for grandpa to get his tiny Kodak portable printer serviced: oh, what am I saying: that was no co-incidence at all, but it was the mighty hand of God at work, making sure that loving daughter can speak to her dad when she wants too! Praise God!
Hope you have a nice time in London. This is your weekend before term proper starts, is it not: this means that till now you have not had any real lessons in communication yet: yes? Do let us know how the lessons are when they actually occur.
As I think of what to share with you today, it seems that I am guided to begin at the beginning. And at the beginning of the Bible we find Genesis. When I was younger I used to consider Genesis as a figurative account of Creation: more recently the voices of the Creationists have convinced me that it is possible to make a literal rather than figurative interpretation of Genesis. At the beginning of Genesis 1: 1-31, we read how God made the heavens and the earth in 6 days. 6 human 24 hour days is possible, and yet each of the 6 "days" that creation took could be a thousand years or more in human terms (With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day: 2 Peter 3:8). To my understanding both interpretations are possible. But either way it does not shake my central faith one bit: I still believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus. (John 14:6).
One aspect of the creation account that I find very beautiful is the way that God reviewed his daily work and "saw it was good" e.g. vs. 4 (light), vs. 10b (land & sea), vs. 12b (vegetation), vs. 18 (sun, moon & stars), vs. 21 (sea creatures and birds), vs. 25 (land animals). Then God creates man in his own image (male and female He created them) (vs. 26-27). And God gives the fish and the birds and the plants and the animals to man (vs. 28-30)
[Some fundamentalists take Gen 1:30 as a reason to be vegetarian: but clearly after The Flood God told Noah "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you" (Gen 9:3) Further in NT, 1 Cor 10, vs. 25-26 & 31: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God: 1 Tim 4:3-5 nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving]
Back to Genesis 1:31 And God saw all that He had made, and it was very good (vs. 31). Why the difference? Why was everything else "good" but in vs. 31 "very good". I believe this reflects the very special relationship between God and Man, because God loves people much more than he loves anything else he has created. And I believe that as God looks down at me, to see this Chinese man he has created, born in Edinburgh and raised in Singapore, He says "it is very good", and as He looks at you, En, this tiny Chinese Singaporean girl, now studying in Poole (as the mayor would like us to say), He, the Lord God Almighty says "it is very good".
So read the first chapter of Genesis and ask the Holy Spirit for a sense of wisdom and discernment to see if you are to understand it as figurative or literal, and also just experience a sense of reverence and wonderment as we see God at work creating creation and creating you and me.
What a mighty God we serve. See how he has gone before your brother and prepared the place in Mindef for Him. Oh what love, oh what grace, oh what mercy, oh what goodness. love dad.
For any comments or enquiries please write to Dr. Lim Su Min
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