Dwight Hill

... a weekly letter of encouragement.

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5 August, 1998

Good Morning!

Several months ago I mentioned a simple method of meditating on the Scriptures: READ a passage; RECORD the facts; REFLECT upon the implications of the facts; RESPOND by applying one of those implications to your life.

You may want to employ these four "R's" to the following passages during your devotions:+

Acts 17:24 - 27 God made and controls all

Luke 7:11 - 17 Jesus raises the widow's son

Luke 8:22-25 Jesus calms the storm

Romans 5:6-9 Christ died for our sins and to save us from God's wrath

1 Corinthians 15:3 - 8 Jesus rose and appeared

John 3:16 - 21 Eternal life or choosing darkness

John 5:21-24, 28, 29 Honor Christ, believe and be sure

Hebrews 1:1-3 Christ, the Creator, cleanses from sin

Ephesians 2:1-5, 8-10 We are saved by grace and faith

1 John 5:9 -13 Great assurance

2 Peter 1:2-4 Know Christ and the Word

Colossians 2:6,7 Be built up in the faith

Philippians 4:6, 7 Prayer and peace

Romans 12:1,2 Surrender, and resist conforming

Hebrews 12:1,2 Run hard, and focus on Jesus

Romans 8:35-39 No separation; overwhelming victory

Matthew 22:36-40 Christ's two great commandments

Ephesians 3:16-19 The Spirit's strength to know Christ's love

Acts 4:12-13 No other name for salvation, bold witnessing

2 Corinthians 5:18-20 We're ambassadors to proclaim peace with God

Matthew 28:18 - 20 Make and teach disciples

Colossians 1:28, 29 Admonish and teach everyone

John 14:21, 23, 24 Obedience proves love

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Generosity pays

Galatians 5:16, 17 Live by the Spirit and not the flesh

Galatians 5:22 - 26 The Spirit's fruit

1 John 2:15-17 Don't love the world

1 Peter 2:9-12 Avoid lusts, and show Christ

Philippians 3:7 - 14 Count everything loss to know Christ better

Psalm 1:1-3 Avoid sin, and meditate on God's Word

Colossians 1:9-11 Pray for discernment and righteousness

James 1:2-5 Be joyful in trials

1 Peter 4:12-16 Rejoice in sufferings

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Christ is coming again

Psalm 23 The Good Shepherd's sufficiency

+Adapted from "Grasping God's Word" by Warren Myers; Navigators My prayer is that you are having a great week!

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