Presenting ...

Net Profits - Dwight Hill

... a weekly letter of encouragement.

10 September, 1997 - Singapore

Good Morning!


#1 WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS? Keep in mind that increased options increase your chance of being right.

#2 IS THIS MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL? Try not to make another person a loser when you make a decision: Win-win.

#3 WHAT'S THE RISK? Make sure a temporary gain won't be negated by a permanent loss.

#4 IS IT TIMELY? Kenny Rogers had it right when he sang, "You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em." You can improve your sense of timing by "disciplined imagination," taking what you know in the present and projecting it into the future.

#5 DO I HAVE STAYING POWER? Once you've made the decision, things are sure to get harder before they get easier. Anticipate this and resolve to hang in there.

#6 WHAT ARE THE LONG-TERM RAMIFICATIONS? Every decision will have consequences. Beware of decisions that make you indispensable. "A litmus test of leaders may be how well the organization can run without them."

#7 HAVE I BUILT IN ESCAPE HATCHES? Leave a way to get out of a bad decision. For example, when writing a contract, include a clause for evaluating the contract at a future date.

#8 HAVE I ASKED FOR ADVICE? First, do your homework, then ask advice from people who meet these four criteria: (1) They tell you the truth, not what you think you want to hear. (2) They are experts in the area. (3) They have time to think through your questions. (4) They are coming from a Biblical perspective.

#9 HAVE I PRAYED? Talk to God as if He was your business partner. Tell Him the details, the options. Let Him examine your motives.

#10 AM I AFRAID TO PULL THE TRIGGER? Some people would rather talk about deciding than decide. Decide to decide.

My prayer is that you are having a great week.

Dwight Hill

+ Adapted from "Secrets to making great decisions" by Fred Smith. Leadership, Fall 1995; Summarized in "Current Thoughts and Trends", February, 1966

(c) Copyright 1996 Dwight Hill. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice.

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