Presenting ...
... a weekly letter of encouragement.
18 September, 1996 - Singapore
Good Morning!
Recently I received an e-mail letter from Jeanna, my 24 year old daughter-in-law, who had just watched a video of a hard-hitting talk I had given entitled, "Men Without Chests". Responding to the video, Jeanna sent me the following communiqué:
"Dear Dad, (I love it when my kids-in-law call me "Dad"!)
"I just finished watching your "Men Without Chests" video with Wes tonight and had to write you a note. I was overwhelmed by several thoughts and emotions as I watched and listened to you.
"First, I guess, was THANK YOU! Thank you for bringing your sorely needed message to men in today's culture...As I watched, I felt inspired to be the kind of woman that merited a man such as the one you exhorted the men to become.
"Then I began to realize that you are the father (i.e., primary example, teacher, model, source of advice) of the man I am married to! It brought me to tears to know that when the going gets rough for us that this is the kind of leadership Wes will be looking for to pull through.
"I also realized that the qualities I treasure most in Wes are so deeply related to how he was raised to treat his wife and for that I owe you so much.
"Then, lastly, I began to think about our children--about boys who will be taught about sexual purity and eternal values and about girls who would grow up knowing what it is to be treasured, cherished and loved in the true sense by a man.
"You have begun a legacy which I pray will be passed down through the generations. I feel so privileged to be part of Wes, of you and your family.
"I love you. Talk to you soon,
QUESTION: What is the heritage you are leaving for your children and their offspring? The patterns you are setting in your family today will determine the answer to that question. Will it be a heritage that brings glory to God, and joy to your heart in your senior years?
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." ( 3 John 4)
My prayer is that you are having a great week!
Dwight Hill
1 Coleman Street #02-34 The Adelphi - Singapore 0617 .
Fax/Phone: 337 6498
© Copyright 1996 Dwight Hill. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice.
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