Presenting ...
... a weekly letter of encouragement.
July 18, 1994
Good Morning!
The story is told of a little girl walking along the beach who discovers hundreds of star fish washed upon the shore, dying from the heat of the sun. Here and there, as she skips along, she tosses a star fish back into the surf. They will live while the hundreds remaining on the shore will die.
Upon returning home the little girl tells here mother what she has done. "What you did with those few star fish doesn't make any difference," replies her mother.
"Well it made a difference with the ONEs I threw back," retorts the little girl.
Jesus left 99 sheep for the ONE who was lost. It made a difference to him. (Luke 15:1-7)
Jesus heals ONE man by a pool of water. It made a difference to him. (John 5:1-17)
Jesus walks 90 miles through the desert to find and win Philip. It made a difference to
him. (John 1:43)
Some ONE probably singled you out - as an INDIVIDUAL. And it made a difference to YOU.
In a world where numbers impress; where people are herded around like cattle and analyzed, counted, and generalized to death, keep in mind the fact that God still died for each INDIVIDUAL.
And the deep, significant differences made in people's lives are usually done at the INDIVIDUAL level: ONE by ONE, and ONE on ONE.
Paul understood the worth of the INDIVIDUAL: "As you well know, we dealt with you ONE by ONE, as a father deals with his children." (I Thessalonians 2:11 NEB)
QUESTION: Has God placed a beached and parched "star fish" across your path who could use a helping hand in getting to the cool healing waters of Jesus Christ, the living water? (John 4:14). Why not decide today...this make a difference to him?
Have a great week!
Dwight Hill
© Copyright 1996 Dwight Hill. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice.
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