Presenting ...
... a weekly letter of encouragement.
March 8, 1993
Good Morning!
As the Jews trekked across the desert en route to the Promised Land they asked two questions of God:
"Can He give (us) bread?"
"Will He provide meat for His people?" (Psalm 78:20)
The first question challenged God's sovereignty.
The second question challenged God's goodness.
The reason we ask such questions of God is because of our confusion over suffering. We assume the fact that God owes us a comfortable existence. So we ask:
"If God is so powerful and so good , why does
He allow so much suffering in my life?"
The fact is that God owes us nothing.
But He does have an objective for our lives: Conformity to the image of Christ. Christ likeness. And He will utilize life's every circumstance - even suffering, to accomplish His purpose.
Consider Romans 8:28, 29: "Moreover we know that to those who love God...everything that happens fits into a pattern for good. God...chose to mold us into the image of His Son." (Phillips,Knox)
Can God meet our needs? "Yes."
Will God meet our needs? "Yes." But in His time and in His way.
Amidst the suffering it may help to keep in mind the fact that our heavenly Father is in the process of molding us to become like His Son, Jesus.
Have a great week!
Dwight Hill
© Copyright 1996 Dwight Hill. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice.
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