Presenting ...
... a weekly letter of encouragement.
March 1, 1993
Good Morning!
This week, will you serve others or use them?
The answer to that question may lie in your response to life's Three Big Questions:
(1) "Who Am I?"
(2) "Why Am I here?"
(3) "Where Am I going?"
A few hours before Judas and the eleven betrayed Christ, Jesus got on His knees and washed the disciples' dirty feet knowing full well what lie ahead. (John 13)
How was this possible?
Christ had already answered the Three Big Questions in life:
1) "Who Am I?" - "Jesus...knowing He had come forth from God..." (John 13:3)
2) "Why Am I here?" - "Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands..." (John 13:3)
3) "Where Am I going?" - "Jesus...knew He was going back to God." (John 13:3)
Consequently, He was secure to serve others in love, without equivocation...without a hidden agenda.
Once you have settled life's Three Big Questions, you are free to serve others...even your betrayers.
1) "Who Am I?" - Answer: "A child of God."
2) "Why Am I here?" - Answer: "To know God and help others to know Him."
3) "Where Am I going?" - Answer: "Into eternity with Christ."
Have a great week!
Dwight Hill
© Copyright 1996 Dwight Hill. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice.
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