Presenting ...
... a weekly letter of encouragement.
February 15, 1993
Good Morning!
"Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus". (II Timothy 2:1)
This week you are going to need the grace of God.
Grace defined: "God in His mercy treating us (though guilty) as if we had never sinned."
When the shrapnel starts to fly, remember that God's grace will be right there for you. Appropriate what is already yours!
Those "who receive the abundance of grace...will reign in life through...Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:17)
We've received the grace of God for our salvation.
Let's appropriate the grace of God for living.
You will know you are "strong" in God's grace when you are:
Accepting His forgiveness for past sins. (Isaiah 43:25)
Appropriating His strength for present struggles. (II Corinthians 12:9)
Anticipating His adequacy for future situations. (Isaiah 43:2)
Today...this week, "Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."
Have a great week!
Dwight Hill
© Copyright 1996 Dwight Hill. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice.
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