BERTDA Services

Linear Actuators: Available in sizes from 1/2" to 1.8" diameter these motors incorporate an internal threaded nut and stainless steel leadscrew to provide linear motion. The motors deliver thrust ranging from a few ounces up to 50 pounds

Z Series Linears: Line of steppers designed for high volume applications and built by HSI in the U.S.A. Z motors deliver quality and performance in an economical package.

Rotary Steppers: Available in frame sizes from 3/4" to 2.2" diameter, these motors provide exceptionally high torque to size ratios.

Big Inch® Motors: This unique design incorporates a motor and gearhead into a package just over one inch in diameter..

Stepper Motor Drivers: HSI offers unipolar/bipolar L/R drivers and bipolar chopper drivers. They are easy to set up and can run our full line of stepper motors.

Linear/Rotary Motor & X-Y Tables: HSI's unique linear/rotary dual motion unit provides simultaneous or independent incremental rotational and linear movement of the output shaft from one compact unit. Our line of miniature X-Y tables are available in standard travels of 1" to 8".

Pancake & Oscillating MotorsHSI's pancake motors provide accurate positioning and high torque in a thin, low profile package. Our oscillating motors incorporate an innovative design which reduces the number of internal motor components and provides a simple back and forth 'oscillating' movement.

Special Options: We offer a wide range of options for our standard motor line. Some of these include end of stroke sensors and special high temperature motors as well as complete customization.

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